martes, 15 de abril de 2008

Aquiles Vaca Briones - Parte de Guerra 15 de abril del 2008

AVB Parte de Guerra 15 de abril del 2008

¡Viva Aquiles Vaca Briones!

La Primera Brigada Cibernetica Aquiles Vaca Briones (irregulares) sigue aventando plomazos al regimen a traves del internet. Una cantidad importante de sombrerudos y adelitas ya fueron pasados por la leva y son parte de esta brigada. Acabamos de mandar una segunda serie de correos a agencias de viajes en el exterior y periodicos y ONG’s de derechos humanos.

Aquí unas cuantas de las cartas que se han mandado:

Carta a que mandó la compañera Alejandrina (mas o menos entiendo ke pone al enano como al perico):

500 anni dopo continuiamo a scambiare specchietti per oro, oggi, oro nero.

Felipe Calderón, attuale presidente messicano, uscito vincente nel 2006 grazie ad una frode elettorale (riconosciuta anche da molti de i suoi simpatizzanti e dimostrata dal documentario presentó ieri al Senato della Repubblica una “iniziativa de riforma energética” per dotare a Petróleos Mexicanos, una delle maggiori petroliere del mondo, di un nuovo regime di contrattazione e aprire tutta la catena produttiva all’iniziativa privata.
* Intento d privatizzazione nascosta, denuncia il Movimento in Difesa del Petroleo guidata da, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (ex candidato presidenziale e riconosciuto come legittimo presidente da più della metta della popolazione)

I tre partiti che rappresentano la opposizione, il FAP( fronte ampio progressista, conformato da: PRD, Convergencia e PT), hanno presso simultaneamente le tribune di camera e senato e 8000 donne sostenitrici del movimento di resistenza pacifica “Las Adelitas “ in ricordo delle donne della rivoluzione del 1910, hanno accerchiato da ieri il congresso. Un gruppo altrettanto numeroso di uomini, le hanno rilevato durante la note. La intenzione del FAP è quella di impedire la approvazione della iniziativa e hanno detto che rimarranno dentro per il tempo necessario. La resistenza civile farà la sua parte sulla strada.

Esta carta les advierte a las agencias de viajes que no manden a sus clientes a México pues la RCP puede hacer plantones en los aeropuertos y los pefepos son capaces de desalojarlos con violencia:

Dear Travel Agent:

Be aware that the Mexican People have started peaceful civil resistance actions to prevent the Calderon government from handing the country’s oil wealth to the usual gang of thieves (Shell, Exxon, Repsol, etc.). These peaceful civil resistance actions could include sit-ins at airports and other places where tourists gather. The fascist Calderon Government might then use brute force against its citizens. Your clients therefore, by traveling to Mexico, both run the risk of becoming stranded or actually hurt in the resulting turmoil.


El compañero Salvador preparó esta carta para agencias de prensa y periodicos:

Dear Sir,

In recent weeks the Mexican government orchestrated a massive media campaign to convince the Mexican people that PEMEX (the mexican oil company) should be open to private capital in order to overcome a "serious crisis" affecting the company. On April 8th the government sent to the Mexican Senate a proposal that encapsulates the ambitions
of the parties in power (the PAN and PRI) to achieve the privatization of PEMEX.

There is a large sector of the mexican society that categorically rejects the arguments of the government. Most of mexican people know that the arguments presented by Mr Calderon (the president of Mexico) to privatize PEMEX are pure manipulation and lies. The real intention of the government is to create a net of corruption to allow companies such as Exxon and Rapsol and Halliburton to have quick a cheap access to the mexican oil. For this reason, the mexican civil society has organized a very large movement of civil resistance to defend PEMEX and the mexican oil. This movement is peaceful and does not accept any kind of violence.

The ambitions of foreign companies and government officials are not a matter of opinion, but a fact. This is supported by a very large amount of evidence linking government officials to foreign oil companies from the US and Spain. All the evidence is available in the form of documents and videos that have been presented to the government instances such as the Senate and the secretaria de governacion (similar to thee US Department of State).

Unfortunately, all mexican institutions (the Congress, The Executive and the Supreme Court) have been hijacked by a group of people that is not interested in protecting the Mexican people but in foreign and personal interests.

The only option for our people comes in the form of pacific civil resistance to force the government to withdraw the privatization proposal. The civil resistance is organized in brigades of women and men decided to to good for our country. However we are very concernid that the government could unleash a wave of repression and a campaign
of "Terrorismo Mediatico" against mexican people. As a matter of fact, large part of the country is militarized. I decided to contact you so you are aware of what is happening in
Mexico and ask you to be alert and report any injustices that may occur as a consequence of the pacific actions of the mexican civil resistance movement. We will post videos, images, and texts in services like youtube as the agressions of the government take place.

We hope that this will not happen, but at the same time we are not very optimistic.

Just to give an example, many streets near the Mexican Congress and Senate been blocked with a large number with armed troopers. This is a very clear violation of the 11th article of the Mexican Constitution which guarantees free access to public places.

As of today the corporate media has labeled the success of the civil brigades to resist repression a coup-d'etat. We are very concernid that this may signal a military intervention and covered violence against a truly peaceful civil movement.

Thank you for your consideration to this email.


Si quieren adherirse a esta brigada cibernetica, manden un correo a aquilesvacabriones02 al 05 @ gmail. (Si ya mandaron antes, al 01, vuelvan a mandar correo por favor.)

